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Trafalgar Day Parade

Trafalgar Day Parade

10 cadets from Dunstable Sea Cadets were chosen to take part in the National Trafalgar Day Parade in Trafalgar Square on Sunday 20th October. 5 of the cadets were from the newly formed Royal Marine Cadet detachment. They took part in several days of training locally, before spending 3 days of intensive drill training in Portmouth. This culminated in the once in a lifetime opportunity to take part with 500 other cadets in the national parade.
The unit also supported the PR stand at the event.
Congratulations to all who took part in the parade and training, you should be proud of your achievement.

Boat Race Evening

Boat Race Evening

Come and join Dunstable Sea Cadets in a fun filled family evening and help us to raise funds for a desperately needed minibus. In order to continue and expand the level of activities that we currently provide, we need to purchase a new minibus. The alternate would mean us having to call on parents and guardians to transport cadets to events and activities.

On Saturday 16th November 2013 at 7.00pm, we will be holding a boat race evening, which is open to adults and children/cadets. Races will be held on a multi-lane 'river' which will be laid out on the maindeck. There will be 6 boats in each heat and wagers are taken on the outcome of each race.

We are also looking for sponsors for each race from either families or companies to help raise these much needed funds.

Cadets have been given a letter to bring home about the evening; please can you complete the reply slip and return to the unit as soon as possible.

Adult volunteer for Royal Marine Cadet detachment

Adult volunteer for Royal Marine Cadet detachment

With the opening of the new Royal Marine Cadet Detachment at Dunstable Sea Cadet unit, we are looking for an adult volunteer to join the unit and to assist the detachment commander with running the detachment.

Previous cadet or service experience is not necessary for this role; we are looking for volunteers who want to get involved in the training of the cadets and help them to develop and mature into responsible adults.

If you would like to find out more please contact the unit to arrange a meeting.

Dress Rehearsal for Hornpipe tonight, 19th...

Dress Rehearsal for Hornpipe tonight, 19th...

Tonight's practice for the hornpipe will be a full dress rehearsal. It is scheduled from 18:30 - 20:30 (6:30pm - 8:30pm), but as we have guests, it may run over a little.

Please dress as follows:

Junior or No. 4's trousers. Black pumps /plimsoles /trainers.
If any of the juniors still have the top from last performance we need them tonight. Please pass the word around.
Please wear a white t shirt for under the uniform.
Our guests are VIPs, so we need to be smart.

Any problems get in touch ASAP.

Weekend at Yardley Chase

Weekend at Yardley Chase

Fledging marine detachment returns from first exercise, still smiling after 48 hours in the cold, wet and windy conditions of last weekend. All completed their basic field craft cadre -well done -

Also the Ships Company obtained 10 other qualification at the MACT, including: Catering, Sailing,  Mountain Biking and Windsurfing.

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