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Advancement Board

Advancement Board

20th June:

Congratulations to LC Kate who officially became a Leading Cadet today. LC Kate was joint top cadet on her board in March.

Sainsbury's Local Charity of the Year nominations

Sainsbury's Local Charity of the Year nominations

Sainsbury's Local Charity of the Year nominations are open and run to Sunday, June 8.

Around 35-40 Sea Cadet units applied last year with a good success rate and successful units can raise up to £15,000 over the course of a year. To apply we need to get as many nominations as possible for our unit

Please support the Dunstable unit and nominate us for Charity of the Year for Sainsbury's in Dunstable. Hurry you have until the 8th June to nominate.

Visit, select 'Nominate your local Charity' and select the Dunstable store or you can get a nomination form in store.

Here are the details you will need.

Charity name: Dunstable Sea Cadets

Charity number: 300022

email address:

You then have to give reasons for nominations. If you need help with this, I can send you a draft to attach.

We are looking to extend our facilities, particularly shower and toilet facilities to enable the unit to take more cadets and offer disabled access.

Work on new classroom

Work on new classroom

Thanks to the staff, committee and parents who helped out at the unit on Friday and Saturday this week. Their efforts have meant that the portacabin has been repainted and its roof repaired. The outside wall of the Royal Marine Cadets’ barracks has been painted and the outside wall on the other side of the building has also been painted. The rear wall of the Royal Marine Cadets’ barracks has been rendered.

The cadets who helped out and keep everyone fed with bacon rolls and teas and coffees were an essential part of this result.

Thanks to everyone's assistance, it should be possible to get the portacabin into use as two new classrooms fairly soon.

Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Due to problems with the website, we are currently unable to add to or update the event calendar.

Please note that the Quiz night is now on 12th March, not as the calendar shows on the 5th.

Please see our Facebook page for current events:

Mr Ray Shrimpton

Mr Ray Shrimpton

Dunstable Sea Cadets is sorry to announce the passing away of our longest serving trustee Mr Ray Shrimpton. Ray was an Instructor and Commanding Officer of the unit in the 60s. He then joined the Unit Management Team and become a Unit Trustee.  Ray gave the unit the tools and resources needed to develop the unit into the thriving place it is today. Dunstable Sea Cadets would like say thank you for such committed service to us and to the youth of Dunstable.

Ray's last visit to the Unit was the awards night on 9th December to present his annual sailing trophy, we spent some time talking and he was impressed with what we are doing.

Our thoughts are with his family.

The family have asked for donations to be shared with Dunstable Sea cadets and Cancer Charity the link to the memory giving  site is:


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