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Sherbourne awarded the Commander Alan Cameron...

The celebrations continued this weekend during the South West Area Conference when Birmingham Sherbourne was awarded the Commander Alan Cameron Endeavour Trophy. The accolade is presented to the unit that has made extra effort over the last 12 months across all aspects of the unit.

A very proud Commanding Officer ASlt (SCC) Mark Lane RNR pictured receiving the award from the Captain of the Sea Cadets.

Promotion News - 26/11/2016

Many congratulations from the ships company to the Executive Officer promoted to Acting Sub Lieutenant (SCC) David Burley RNR following his success at last weekends ODP2 at HMS Excellent.

Pictured with the Officer in Charge Acting Sub Lieutenant (SCC) Mark Lane RNR, A/Slt Burley has worked long and hard to achieve his goal and is now busy encouraging others to do the same and develop themselves within the corps. 

Congratulations Sir!

Burgee for Sherbourne with the Best Result Yet!...

Maintaining a Burgee is an achievement in itself, reaching the high score of 90 is the best ever that Birmingham Sherbourne has attained and it's all down to team work.  The Royal Navy Parade on 20th September went extremely well, the District Officer and Area Officer praised the unit for the progress made over the last year.

OIC A/Slt Mark Lane announced the news on Facebook on 10th October.  'Birmingham Sherbourne has been awarded the Burgee for 2016 with a score of 90. This is a massive achievement and you all should be proud of yourselves for not only maintaining the high standards that this unit is renowned for but for also making this unit a fun and enjoyable place to be, BZ'.

Thank you to everybody who contributed to the success over the last year and we look forward to even more success in the next year.

New Unit President, Hon Alderman Anita Ward,...

Former Lord Mayor, Hon Alderman Anita Ward, visited the ships company on Sunday 25th September with a donation. Anita, who has just accepted the position of Unit President came on board baring a cheque of £700 pounds to be put towards the costs of the new unit minibus, money which was kindly given out of the Lord Mayor's Charity Appeal. We also extend our thanks to Pat Thomas, Birmingham County Royal British Legion Events Officer and her husband Ken Thomas, for helping to secure the donation.


Bronze for AC James at the National Regatta...

Congratulations to AC James following his success at the National Regatta in London Victoria Docklands on Saturday 10th September.  AC James took the Bronze medal in the Boys Open Yole Competition, the first ever National Medal for Birmingham Sherbourne.  Well done AC James, fantastic achievement.

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